Inconvenient Truths…

Hello friends.

Perimenopause comes free with it’s own little bundle of inconvenient truths.

Often when we encounter an inconvenient truth our hearts and minds clamour “it’s not fair!” “why can’t it be otherwise?!” “give me the answer… NOW!!”

We suffer because we wish these truths were not.

We wish for things to be other than they are.

Yet that is the nature of truth - even inconvenient truth - it simply is, as it is.

Yes, inconvenient truths can be hard and bitter. They can turn our lives on their heads. Yet… having acknowledged that… sometimes inconvenient truth doesn’t mean “horrible truth” or “insurmountable obstacle”. Often, inconvenient truths simply invite us into discovery and learning.

The ones that cause discomfort for many of us in this community are:

  1. We are ageing. Our bodies are changing. Our bodies will never be the bodies they were.

  2. Everyone’s perimenopause and menopause is unique.

  3. There is no, one recipe to a trouble free perimenopause and menopause.


Wouldn’t it be great if we weren’t ageing, our experiences were identical and it was possible to download a simple recipe that would ensure no discomfort for any of us along the way?

Maybe… and yet… perhaps there would be lost opportunity in such a linear path.

The truths of perimenopause include an invitation to deepening self knowledge, opening compassion and unfolding strength. Perimenopause represents the gateway to the end of life as you’ve lived it to this point. It involves profound shifts - both physiological and psychological - that you can’t run from. They are within you. As such, it invites us to step in with deep and compassionate curiosity.

Ultimately your path is your path. Having said that… here are our suggestions for meeting these truths with grace.

  • Foster your own curiosity for yourself. How are you feeling in this moment right now, in your body, in your heart? What are your thoughts? What do you want… really?

  • Practice self-compassion. Compassion is like a muscle - use it to build it. If you’re finding this one difficult, check out Kristin Neff’s work - accessible, wise and practical.

  • Find your tribe, be brave and ask for what you need. We’re one community and we’re here to help. There are many wonderful people across the world leaning into this conversation. Red School is another great source of community and wisdom.

And lastly, go gently. Pace yourself. Allow rest. We’re looking forward to seeing you along the way.

The Peri Project

Changing the face of perimenopause.  Perimenopause and menopause support for women and the places they work.


Self-Compassion Break